December Update

The 2022 Online Autumn Exhibition has now ended and the online Members Exhibition is planned for Spring 2023.

The next Royston Library changeover will take place on Monday 5 December from 3.15 to 4.00pm – please see Secretary Peter Morgan’s recent email for guidance on hanging requirements.

The last Tuesday afternoon practical session of 2022 will take place on 6 December from 2.00 to 4.00pm in Market Hill Rooms, and, as usual in December, there is no second session this month.

The 2022 Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 9 December as a Zoom meeting, starting at 7.30pm and aiming to finish by 8.30pm.  Members will already have received the Agenda and other papers for the meeting, together with instructions on how to join via Zoom, which were circulated on 17 November.  The Financial Report for the year ending 30 November 2022 will follow as soon as it is available early in December.

Because of the AGM there is no Friday evening demo in December, so the next demo will be held on Friday 13 January 2023 in Market Hill Rooms from 8.00 to 10.00pm and will feature Hashim Akib painting a “Marine Landscape in Acrylics”. Hashim has a very interesting approach to the use of acrylics and his demos have been very popular in the past. You can see some examples of his lively and punchy work HERE. Free admission for Royston Arts Society members; £3.00 fee for non-members on the door, no pre-booking required.

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