Royston Arts Society Spring Exhibition
…. will be held in the Royston & District Museum and Art Gallery from Saturday 25th May through to Saturday 20th July 2019.
RAS members (who have paid their membership subscription for 2019/20) are invited to enter up to:
Two Framed paintings (hanging fee £2.00 per painting)
Three unframed paintings (hanging fee £0.50 per painting)
One set of up to 25 Cards (hanging fee £1.00 for the set)
The deadline for entering your artwork for this exhibition is Friday 3rd May 2019 and late entries will not be accepted.
The checking in time for paintings is Saturday 18th May 2019 between 2.00 and 5.00pm.
The time to collect unsold work is Monday 22nd July 2019 between 10.00 and 12.00am.
If you would like to enter some paintings them simply download the attached entry form by clicking HERE, print it out, then complete and return it to Chairman Richard Clayton at the address on the form. Please make sure that you read the terms and conditions carefully, especially with regard to the requirements for framing and labelling your work.
There will be a preview evening on Friday 24th May 2019, between 7.30 and 9.30pm. All RAS members, plus their friends and family, are invited to this event whether you are exhibiting or not.
The exhibition is for fully paid up RAS members only! So, if you have not already taken out or renewed your RAS membership then please see the previous post below.