This is the new website for Royston Arts Society which has been in development for the past three months.
We have more direct control over the content of this new website as the website administrator sits on the RAS committee. Communications between the committee and members and the public at large should be much better and you will see the names of ‘committee’ members on the page listed under ‘ABOUT US’ on the top menu. Also, under the ‘CONTACT US’ page on the top menu are email addresses for all the committee members.
This ‘Home’ page is actually a ‘post’ and you can view ‘RECENT POSTS’ by clicking on the appropriate post on the left side of the Home page. You can also subscribe to receive a notification by email each time a new post is placed on this website – see bottom right of Home page.
If you have a look under the ‘ARTISTS’ entry on the top menu you will see a number of members have up to 6 examples of their work on display and visitors to this site will be able to contact the artist by email to enquire about their work using a special form that does not reveal the artist’s email address. However, artist’s website addresses and facebook links can also be displayed if so desired. If you are a member and would like your work displayed on the website please email the website administrator and you will receive a reply with details of how to proceed.
We hope you will see the new website as a big improvement but do have a look around and if you have any suggestions or comments then do feel free to email them to the website administrator.