This year’s RAS Christmas Social and AGM will be held on Friday 13 December 2019 and an invitation can be viewed by clicking HERE and the draft agenda by clicking HERE. Minutes of the 2018 AGM plus the Chairman’s Report, the financial report for 2018-19 and the demo programme for 2020-21 will be available at the meeting. If you wish to nominate someone as a Committee member or wish to add anything to the agenda please email Peter Morgan or Richard Clayton.
We’re following the same format as last year with both informal and formal sessions. The informal element opens the evening, allowing everyone to socialise and make a start on the buffet!
The RAS Christmas Card competition will again be held and is open to all members. Bring along your own original card (unsigned, please, so that the judging is anonymous). Members will vote for their favourite card during the first half of the evening, and the winner will receive the Grimaldi Prize of £25.00 plus a certificate to commemorate the achievement.
There will also be a free-to-enter raffle with a prize of gift vouchers for Tindalls Art Supplies, as well as the seasonal festivities which will be available throughout the evening.
We look forward to seeing you on 13th December!